Substance Abuse and Mental Health Counselling

Trauma and addiction can place tremendous restrictions on the lives of children, adolescents, and adults, as well as on the lives of their friends and family members. We specialize in the professional treatment of trauma and addictions via:

Bio- & Neurofeedback
Berard AIT Auditory Integration

Society generally views childhood as a naturally happy time – free of responsibilities and worries, but children are as susceptible to trauma as adults, even though their suffering is often overlooked.

Children face the same traumatic events that affect the lives of adults all around them. They become ill, experience accidents, and are often the victims when parents divorce. Being a child offers no protection against loss, grief, or death. Children are often cheated, sexually abused, neglected, ignored, and injured by adults that they trust. Child victims often remain chronically frightened, depressed, and tormented although parents may be quite unaware of the extent of their children’s discomfort.

There is a high correlation between the death of a parent and behavioural problems. Parental loss has also been correlated with substance abuse, delinquency, and school attendance problems. There is a direct relationship between childhood critical incidents, like divorce and abuse, and the frequency of maladaptive adolescent behaviours.

It’s important to recognize the early stages of traumatization. Prevention is the best solution, but this is not always possible. We help children through art & play therapy, sandplay & narrative therapy, biofeedback, and counselling. Distressed children can be relieved of their pain, their joy can be restored and they can become the children they were created to be.


We live in a society that for many decades has been exposed, and still is exposed, to a wide variety of trauma on a large scale – stress caused by politics, violence, crime, car accidents, rape, divorce, and deaths.

Adults can often also keep on re-living unresolved childhood traumas. Violent events are not the only trauma people experience. People experience trauma when they leave home, re-locate, get divorced, change jobs, when they age, when they lose their hearing when they have a child with learning problems, and the list goes on and on – life is not easy.

Time is a healer, but without the necessary interventions, serious lesions often remain, which may impair subsequent functioning. Depression, anxiety, and insomnia might be the result of unresolved trauma and this holds people back in achieving their goals, building sound relationships, and living a happy, fulfilled life.

By putting trauma behind you, you can reach out to the future. We specialize in putting the ghosts of the past at rest so that every new day can be experienced as a clean slate that just waits to be written by light, joyful and secure experiences. Our motto is: Live your life light as a feather!


Defining an addiction is tricky and knowing how to handle one is even harder.

Addiction is used to describe a recurring compulsion by an individual to engage in some specific activity, despite harmful consequences to the individual’s health, mental state, or social life.

The term is used in drug addiction and substance abuse problems, but also refers to behaviours that are not generally recognized by the medical community as problems of addiction, such as compulsive overeating, gambling, internet addiction, sexual addictions, caffeine and sugar addictions.

Drug and alcohol abuse continues to plague young people and adults – both as a result and as a cause of trauma. Relationships with family, friends, the community, and the legal system gets compromised, all of which constitute a set of overwhelming burdens. Thus, while substance abuse may be the result of prior trauma, it creates new crises, which puts the individual under more strain.

By eliminating the cause of the addiction (whether it is past trauma, ADHD, depression, anxiety, or an unbalanced nutritional system) makes fighting back to take control of your life just so much easier. Unfortunately, overcoming addiction is not easy. Quitting drugs or drinking, gambling, overeating, and sexual addictions are probably going to be some of the hardest things you’ve ever done. It’s not a sign of weakness if you need professional help from a trained counsellor or therapist. Most people who try to stop an addiction need professional assistance.

Learn how to live a relaxed, happy, carefree life!

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Pinnacle Medical Services Is A Health And Wellness Centre Dealing On Psychological
And Mental Health Related Problems.

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